Over the past 18 months we have witnessed tectonic shifts in our world, exposing the many fundamental cracks in our societies and systems. We are at a critical juncture where we have a unique and vital opportunity to challenge and reimagine the oppressive systems and paradigms of the past, including the long elusive goal of achieving gender equality and justice—an aspiration that benefits us all.

With this goal in mind, Marianne Schnall, founder of What Will It Take Movements, partnered with Sarah Henry and the Global Center for Gender Equality at Stanford, Feminist.com, and the ERA Coalition on #EnvisionEquality, an article series and digital campaign to visualize an equal and just world, amplify diverse perspectives and solutions, and highlight what actions we can all take. Through this campaign, they challenge the norms, assumptions and narratives around what equality looks like and catalyze people to share their own personal visions with the understanding that we can’t be what we can’t see. 

The first installment in the series is on envisioning equality, in which a diverse and esteemed set of global activists, visionaries, politicians, academics and other thought leaders across sectors and industries were asked to share their visions of what a gender equal and just world would look like, what gives them hope and inspiration, and what the world would be like once we’ve achieved it. 

Article 2 focuses on the how: what will it actually take to achieve a gender just world? A renowned set of thought leaders from across industries to share specific actions and strategies needed to achieve gender equality, what they see as the biggest barriers we need to overcome and, if given the chance, what advice would they give to lawmakers to inspire them to ratify the long overdue Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).   




Envisioning A Gender Just World: Global Thought Leaders Weigh In




Achieving A Gender Just World: Thought Leaders Provide Actionable Ways To Break Through Equality’s Biggest Barriers




Featuring: Ada Williams Prince, Ai-jen Poo, Aimee Allison, Amy Hepburn, Barbara Lee, Carol Jenkins, Hilary Knight, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, Jensine Larsen, Jessica Houssian, Joanne Sandler, Joia Adele Crear-Perry, Kavita Ramdas, Kimberly Peeler-Allen, Latanya Mapp Frett, Michelle Nunn, Mona Sinha, Pamela Shifman, Rena Greifinger, Riki Wilchins, Sarah Haacke Byrd, Sophie Kelly, Suzanne Lerner, Terry McGovern, Tina Tchen, Tony Porter, Valerie Jarrett, Vanessa Kerry and Wanjiru Kamau-Rutenberg.